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Planning Leaflets

The Office of the Planning Regulator and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage have published a series of planning leaflets dealing with all aspects of the planning system. These leaflets were revised and updated in 2022 and cover a wide range of issues including how to prepare and lodge a planning application, how to make a planning appeal, requirements for change of use, building extensions, garages, domestic sheds, agricultural development, etc. The leaflets are available free of charge hereunder and from your local planning authority. The leaflets will be updated on a regular basis to take account of changes in legislation and policy.

Introducing the Planning System

This leaflet is a simple guide to understanding the planning system in Ireland and how it works. It explains the hierarchy of plans, who is responsible for each plan and the main planning matters in Ireland.
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A Guide to the Development Plan

This leaflet serves as an introductory guide to the development plan, outlining how it is prepared, who is responsible for preparing it and its outreach and impact. The important role that the public plays in the creation and shaping of development plans is also highlighted throughout this leaflet.
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A Guide to Planning Permission

This leaflet serves as an introduction to planning permission and its processes in Ireland. If you wish to build or extend your home, or if you would like to have a say on a proposed development in your area this leaflet contains the relevant information required.
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A Guide to Making a Planning Application

This leaflet provides practical assistance in how to prepare a planning application and the information that should be included.
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A Guide to Making a Planning Appeal

This leaflet defines the role and responsibilities of the national planning appeals board, An Bord Pleanála and the steps involved in appealing a planning decision.
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A Guide to Planning Enforcement in Ireland

This leaflet is a practical guide to understanding how planning law is enforced in Ireland. It provides information and guidance for those undertaking development or those who may be concerned that breaches in planning law have occurred.
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A Guide to Applying for Planning Permission to Build a House

This leaflet is a practical guide to the main planning issues associated with building a house in Ireland and provides details in relation to pre-application consultation with the planning authority.
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A Guide to Doing Work around the House

This leaflet is a practical guide to what work you can do around your house without needing to apply for planning permission. It sets out some of the conditions that must apply for proposed work to be exempt from permission.
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Agricultural & Farm Development- The Planning Issues

This leaflet explains the main features of the planning system that farmers and those involved in agricultural development are likely to encounter.
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A Guide to Planning for the Business Person

This leaflet serves a guide to planning for business owners. It sets out some of the key planning issues business owners may face when developing or changing the use of their business.
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Environmental Assessments and Planning in Ireland

This leaflet is a practical guide to three of the most common environmental assessments in Ireland: Strategic Environmental Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment.
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A Guide to Architectural Heritage

This is a practical guide to help understand how structures of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest are protected under planning law.
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Archaeology in the Planning Process

This leaflet is a guide to understanding the issues which will arise in the planning process when proposed development might affect archaeological heritage.
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A Guide to Taking in Charge of Completed Residential Developments

This leaflet sets out what is meant by the term ‘taking in charge’, who can seek to have a completed development taken in charge and the procedures involved.
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Strategic Infrastructure Development

This leaflet provides an explanation and outline on Strategic Infrastructure Development by private sector developers, and the procedures involved in applying for planning permission for this development type.
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Large-scale Residential Development

This leaflet sets out what is meant by Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) and the procedure involved in making an LRD planning application including details of how the application will be assessed, the timeline for making a decision and the appeal stage.
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Disclaimer: While every care has been taken in the preparation of these planning leaflets, the Office of the Planning Regulator assumes no responsibility for and gives no guarantees concerning the accuracy, completeness or up to date nature of the information provided and accepts no liability arising from any errors or omissions. Please notify any errors, omissions and comments by email to