Planning Library
Acronym List
This acronym list is intended to serve as a technical aid when navigating the planning library materials. It is the OPR’s intention that this online facility will serve as a resource for those interested in the subject matter of planning. The list is not exhaustive and the OPR would welcome suggestions in relation to relevant material which could be included within the collection. Please forward any suggestions to
AA | Appropriate Assessment |
AAI | Architectural Association of Ireland |
AADT | Annual Average Daily Traffic |
AAI | Area of Architectural Interest (England) |
AAWT | Annual Average Weekday Traffic |
ABP | An Bord Pleanála |
ABTA | Area Based Transport Assessment |
ACA | Architectural Conservation Area |
ACM | Asbestos Containing Material (England) |
ACV | Asset of Community Value (England) |
AEP | Annual Exceedance Probability (relation to Flooding) |
AFA | Area for Further Assessment |
AGLV | Area of Great Landscape Value (England) |
AGOL | ArcGIS Online |
AHB | Approved Housing Body |
AHBRA | Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AIA | Arboricultural Impact Assessment (England) |
AIE | Access to Information on the Environment |
AILG | Association of Irish Local Government |
AIRO | All-Ireland Research Observatory |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England) |
ANAH | L'Agence Nationale de l’Habitat (National Housing Agency) (France) |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AQA | Air Quality Assessment (England) |
AQMA | Air Quality Assessment Area (England) |
AR4 | Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
ASSI | Area of Scientific Special Interest (England) |
ATOL | Access to Opportunities and Services |
BAP | Biodiversity Action Plan |
BAT | Best Available Technology |
BENELUX | Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg |
BEP | Best Environmental Practice |
BER | Building Energy Rating |
BFF | Biodiversity, Flora & Fauna |
BHLS | Bus with High Level of Service |
BIM | Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Irish Sea Fisheries Board) |
BMS | Building Management System |
BMW | Biodegradable Municipal Waste |
BnM | Bord na Móna |
BREEAM | Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology |
BRT | Bus Rapid Transit |
BTR/B2R | Build-to-rent |
BSHF | Building & Social Housing Foundation (Scotland) |
BWD | Bathing Water Directive |
C&D | Construction & Demolition |
CAAS | Conservation & Amenity Advice Service |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAFE | Clean Air for Europe |
CALCDA | Climate Action & Low Carbon Development Acts (2015) |
CAP | Climate Action Plan (2019) |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy (European Union) |
CAP21 | Climate Action Plan 2021 |
CAP23 | Climate Action Plan 2023 |
CAP24 | Climate Action Plan 2024 |
CARO | Climate Action Regional Office |
CARS | Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (Scotland) |
CASP | Cork Area Strategic Plan |
CB | Cost Benefit |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
Coordination Centre for Effects | |
Continous Cover Forestry | |
CCMA | County and City Management Association |
CCS | Climate Change Strategy |
CCS | Carbon Capture Storage |
CDM | Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (England) |
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
CDP | County/City Development Plan |
CEAP | Circular Economy Action Plan |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities |
CEDaR | Centre for Environmental Data & Recording |
CER | Commission for Energy Regulation |
CEU | Council of the European Union |
CFP | Common Fisheries Policy |
CFRAM | Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management |
CFRAMS | Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management Study |
CFRQ | Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire |
CfSH | Code for Sustainable Homes (England) |
CGET | Commissariat General for Territorial Equality (France) |
CGPP | Cleaner Greener Production Programme |
CHP | Combined Heat & Power |
CIL | Community Infrastructure Levy |
CIS | Common Implementation Strategy |
CLEUD | Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gases |
COFORD | National Council for Forest Research & Development |
COMAH | Control of Major Accident Hazards |
COMIFAC | Central African Forest Commission |
CORINE | Coordinated Information on the Environment |
CPA | Coastal Planning Authority |
CPD | City/County Development Plan |
CPO | Compulsory Purchase Order |
CRU | Commission for Regulation of Utilities |
cSAC | Candidate Special Area of Conservation (designated by EU Habitats Directive) |
CS | Chartered Surveyor |
CSP | OPR Case Study Paper |
CSO | Central Statistics Office |
CTCHC | Collaborative Town Centre Health Check |
D&B | Design & Build (Building Procurement) |
DAC | Disability Access Certificate |
DAFM | Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine |
DAHG | Department of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht |
DAHRRGA | Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs |
DAU | Development Applications Unit |
DCCAE | Department of Communication, Climate Action & the Environment |
DCENR | Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources |
DCMNR | Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources |
DCN | Districts Council Network (England) |
DECC | Department of the Environment, Climate & Communications |
DECLG | Department of Environment, Community & Local Government |
DEHLG | Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government |
DETE | Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment |
DGOM | Department of Overseas France |
DHLGH | Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage |
DHPCLG | Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government |
DHPLG | Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government |
DHUP | Direction de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et des Paysages (Directorate of Housing, Urbanism & Landscape) (France) |
DIP | Decision in Principle (Planning) (England) |
DMAP | Designated Maritime Area Plan |
DMURS | Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets |
DNND | Dublin Networked Neighbourhood Database |
DoCoMoMo | Documentation & Conservation of the Buildings, Sites & Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement |
DoH | Department of Health |
DoT | Department of Taoiseach |
DoT | Department of Transport |
DPD | Development Plan Document (England) |
DPER | Department of Public Expenditure & Reform |
DPH | Dwellings Per Hectare (England) |
DRCD | Department of Rural & Community Development |
DRS | Deposit and Return Scheme |
DTM | Data Terrain Model |
DTTAS | Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport |
EAG | External Adivsory Group |
EAP | Environmental Action Programme |
EBM | Ecosystem-Based Management |
EC | European Commission |
ECJ | European Court of Justice |
EDEN | Environmental Data Exchange Network |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EFSOS | European Forest Sector Outlook Study |
EfW | Energy for Water (England) |
EHO | Empty Homes Officer (Scotland) |
EI | Enterprise Ireland |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIAR | Environmental Impact Assessment Report |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
ELCFAM | Environmental Legal Costs Financial Assistance Mechanism |
ELD | Environmental Liability Directive |
ELVs | Emission Limit Values |
EMEC | European Marine Energy Centre |
EMRA | Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly |
EMSP | Eco-based Maritime/Marine Spatial Planning |
ENGO | Environmental Non-Government Organisation |
EOR | Enhanced Oil Recovery |
Environmental Protection Agency | |
EPBD | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive |
EQS | Environmental Quality Standard |
ER | Environmental Report |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESB | Electricity Supply Board |
ESG | Environmental, Social & Governance |
ESM | Environmental Sensitivity Mapping |
ESR | Effort Sharing Regulation |
ESRI | The Economic and Social Research Institute |
Esri | Environmental Systems Research Institute |
ETS | Economic Trading Scheme |
EU | European Union |
Electric Vehicle | |
FAO | Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (European Union) |
FAOSTAT | Food & Agriculture Organisation Corporate Statistical Database |
FD | Floods Directive |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDSP | Forest District Strategic Plan |
FEPS | Forest Environment Protection Scheme |
FGRM | Forest Genetic Reproductive Material |
FI | Further Information (in the context of a Planning Application) |
FMP | Forest Management Plan |
FNADT | Fonds National d'Aménagement et de Développement du Territoire (National Fund for Land Use Planning & Development) (France) |
FPC | Fee Per Case |
FPM | Freshwater Pearl Mussel |
FRA | Flood Risk Assessment |
FRIMS | Forest Research Information Management System |
FRM | Flood Risk Management |
FRMP | Flood Risk Management Plan |
FRR | Flood Risk Review |
FSC | Fire Safety Certificate |
GBIF | Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
GDA | Greater Dublin Area |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDSDS | Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study |
GEO | Global Environment Outlook |
GES | Good Environmental Status |
GHG | Greenhouse Gas |
GIA | Gross Internal Area (Area of building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall) (England) |
GIS | Geographic Information Systems |
GNI | Gas Network Ireland |
GPDO | General Permitted Development Order 2015 (England) |
GPS | Global Positioning Systems |
GSI | Geographic Survey of Ireland |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GW | Gigawatt |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
Ha | Hectare |
HARP | Historic Area Rejuvenation Project |
HBS | Help to Buy Scheme (England) |
HCA | Homes & Communities Agency (England) |
HCI | Heritage Council of Ireland |
HEA | Higher Education Authority |
HEFS | High End Future Scenario (relation to Flooding) |
HGVs | Heavy Goods Vehicles |
HHSRS | Housing Health & Safety Rating System (England) |
HIIT | Housing Infastructure Implementation Team |
HLMO | High-Level Marine Objectives |
HNDA | Housing Need Demand Assessment |
HNV | High Nature Value |
HOOW | Harnessing Our Oceans Wealth - An Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland |
HOPS | Heads of Planning Scotland |
HPW | High Priority Water Course |
HRA | Habitat Regulations Assessment (England) |
HSA | Health & Safety Authority |
HVAC | High Voltage Alternating Current |
HVDC | High Voltage Direct Current |
HWM | High Water Marker |
HWRC | Household Waste Recycling Centre (England) |
IAEG | Inter-Agency Expert Group |
IAEG-SDGs | Inter-Agency Expert Groups for Strategic Goal Indicators |
IAF | Irish Architecute Foundation |
IAIA | International Association for Impact Assessment |
IARC | Irish Architectural Archive |
IBEC | Irish Business and Employers Confederation |
Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment | |
ICCROM | International Centre for the Study of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property |
ICOMOS | International Council on Monuments & Sites (England) |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Seas |
ICWWS | Irish Coastal Wave and Water Level Modelling Study |
ICZM | Integrated Coastal Zone Management |
IDA | Industrial Development Authority |
IDC-SSTI | Inter-Departmental Committee for the Strategy of Science, Technology & Innovation |
IDP | Infrastructure Development Plan (England) |
IEEE | Institute Of Electrical & Electronic Engineers |
IEI | Institution of Engineers of Ireland |
IFLA | International Federation of Landscape Architects |
IFNC | International Forum on Natural Capital |
IFORIS | Intergrated Forestry Information Systems |
IFS | Indicative Forestry Strategies |
IGS | Irish Georgian Society |
IHBC | Institute of Historic Building Conservation (England) |
ILI | Irish Landscape Institute |
IMO | International Maritime Organisation |
IMP | Integrated Maritime Policy |
INDC | Intended Nationally Determined Contribution |
INFF | Irish National Flood Forum |
INSPIRE | Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community |
INTBAU | International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism |
IOSEA | Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment |
IPI | Irish Planning Institute |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPPC | Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control |
IRBD | International River Basin District |
IRLOGI | Irish Organisation for Geographic Information |
IROPI | Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest |
ISus | Irish Sustainable Development Model |
ITDP | Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (United States of America) |
ITTO | International Tropic Timber Organisation |
IW | Irish Water (now UI) |
JI | Joint Implementation |
JR | Judicial Review |
JRC | Directorate General Joint Research Centre, European Commission |
JMWMS | Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (England) |
JTF | Just Transition Fund |
KTG | Knowledge Transfer Group |
KWETB | Kildare and Wicklow Education & Training Board |
Kwh | KiloWatt Hour |
LA | Local Authority |
LACAP | Local Authority Climate Action Plan |
LAP | Local Area Plan |
LASNTG | Local Authority Services National Training Group |
LBAP | Local Biodiversity Action Plan |
LCA | Landscape Character Assessment |
LCDC | Local Community Development Committee |
LDA | Land Development Agency |
LDR | Low Density Residential (Zone) |
LEA | Local Economic Assessment (England) |
LECP | Local Economic & Community Plan |
LEO | Local Enterprise Office |
LGMA | Local Government Management Agency |
LiDAR | Light Detection & Ranging |
LIHAF | Local Infrastructure and Housing Activation Fund |
LLD | Local Landscape Designation (England) |
LNR | Local Nature Reserve (England) | LOS | Level of Service |
LRD | Large-scale Residential Development |
LRT | Light Rail Transit |
LSOAS | Lower Super Output Areas (England) |
LTACC | Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee |
LTP | Local Transport Plan |
LU | Land-Use |
LUCF | Land-Use Change & Forestry |
LULUCF | Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry |
LUTS | Land Use and Transportation Study |
MAC | Maritime Area Consent |
MARA | Maritime Area Regulatory Authority |
MASP | Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan |
MATSs | Metropolitan Area Transport Strategies |
MCA | Multi-Criteria Analysis |
MCG | Inter-Departmental Marine Coordination Group |
MCZ | Marine Conservation Zone (England) |
MEANS | Means for Evaluating Actions of a Structural Nature |
MEES | Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (England) |
MHCLG | Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (England) |
MMU | Minimum Mapping Unit |
MODIS | Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers |
MOLAND | Monitoring Land Use/ Cover Dynamics |
MPA | Marine Protected Area |
MPDM | Marine Planning & Development Management Bill |
MPW | Medium Priority Watercourse |
MRFS | Mid-Range Future Scenario (relation to Flooding) |
MSFD | Marine Strategy Framework Directive |
MSP | Marine Spatial Planning |
MSP | Municipal Solid Waste (England) |
MSY | Maximum Sustainable Yield |
Mt | Megaton |
MTR | Mid-Term Review |
MUD | Multi-Unit Development |
MW | Megawatt |
MWRA | Mid-West Regional Authority |
MWRPG | Mid-West Regional Planning Guidelines |
MXD | Map Exchange Document |
NACE | Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community |
NAMA | National Asset Management Agency |
NAP | National Allocation Plan |
NAQS | National Air Quality Strategy (England) |
NBA | National Building Agency |
NBAP | National Biodiversity Action Plan (2017-2021) |
NBDC | National Biodiversity Data Centres |
NBP | National Biodiversity Plan |
NCA | Natural Capital Accounting |
NCCAF | National Climate Change Adaptation Framework |
NCCS | National Climate Change Strategy |
NCFHM | National Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping |
NCP | National Oil Spill Contingency Plan |
NDP | National Development Plan |
NDCA | National Dialogue on Climate Action |
NEC | National Emission Ceilings Directive |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act (United States of America) |
NESC | National Economic and Social Council of Ireland |
NFI | National Forestry Inventory |
NFMA | National Forest Management Plan (United States of America) |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
NHA | National Heritage Area |
NHBC | National House Building Council Scheme (England) |
NIA | Noise Impact Assessment (England) |
NIAH | National Inventory of Architectural Heritage |
NIE | New Institutional Economics |
NIEA | Northern Ireland Environment Agency |
NIFM | National Indicative Fluvial Maps |
NIFTI | National Investment Framework for Transport in Ireland |
NIR | Natura Impact Report |
NIS | Natura Impact Statement |
NLS | National Landscape Strategy (2015-2025) |
NLUD | National Land Use Database (England) |
NOAC | National Oversight & Audit Commission |
NMP | National Mitigation Plan |
NMPF | National Marine Planning Framework |
NPF | National Planning Framework |
NPNRU | Programme National de Renouvellement Urbain (National Urban Renewal Programme) (France) |
NPO | National Policy Objective |
NPPF | National Planning Policy Framework (England) |
NPPG | National Planning Policy Guidance (England) |
NPS | National Planning Statement |
NPWS | National Parks and Wildlife Service |
NRA | National Roads Authority (now TII) |
NSAD | National Strategy for Angling Development |
NSAI | National Standards Authority of Ireland |
NSO | National Strategic Outcome |
NSDB | National Soil Database |
NSMP | National Sustainable Mobility Policy |
NSOs | National Strategic Outcomes |
NSS | National Spatial Strategy |
NTA | National Transport Authority |
NWFP | Non Wood Forest Product |
NWPP | National Waste Prevention Programme |
NWRA | Northern & Western Regional Assembly |
NWRP | National Water Resources Plan |
NWS | Native Woodland Establishment Scheme |
NWSMP | National Water Safety Management Programme (England) |
NZEB | Nearly Zero Energy Building |
NZIA | Net Zero Industry Act |
OCAC | Oireachtas Climate Action Committee |
OECD | Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development |
OFAC | Observatory of Central African Forests |
OGP | Office of Government Procurement |
OMB | Office of the Ombudsman |
OMC | Owners Management Company |
OMPP | Overarching Marine Planning Policy |
ONS | Office of National Statistics (England) |
OPAH | Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (Scheduled Housing Improvement Operation) (France) |
OPP | Outline Planning Permission |
OPR | Office of the Planning Regulator |
OPW | Office of Public Works |
OREDP | Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan |
ORE | Offshore Renewable Energy |
OTG | On the Ground |
OSi | Ordnance Survey Ireland |
OSPAR | Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic |
OS | Ordnance Survey |
PA | Planning Authority |
PA | Prior Approval (Planning) (England) |
PAC | Pre-application Consultation |
PCD | Public Consultation Day |
PCPA | Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (England) |
PDA | Planning & Development Act (as amended) |
PD | Permitted Development (England) |
PDL | Previously Developed Land (England) |
PFRA | Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment |
PHH | Population & Human Health |
PI 2040 | Project Ireland 2040 |
PIE | Plan Implementation Evaluation |
PINS | Planning Inspectorate (England) |
PIP | Permission in Principle (Planning) (England) |
pNHA | Proposed Natural Heritage Area |
PNRQAD | Programme National de Requalification des Quartiers Anciens (National Programme for Requalification of Old Neighbourhoods) (France) |
POMS | Programme of Measures |
POP | Persistent Organic Pollutant |
POSW | Planning Officers Society Wales |
POWSCAR | Places of Work, School or College – Census of Anonymised Records |
PP | Planning Permission |
PPG | Planning Policy Guidance (England) |
PPIP | Policy-Plan/Programme-Implementation Process |
PPN | Public Participation Network | PPP | Plans, Policies & Programme (England) |
PPR | Plan-Process-Results |
PRPs | Pollution Reduction Programmes |
pSPA | Proposed Special Protection Area (designated under EU Birds Directive) |
PTAL | Public Transport Accessibility Level |
PUA | Principal Urban Area (England) |
QBC | Quality Bus Corridor |
QS | Quantity Surveyor |
RA | Regional Authority/ Assembly |
RBD | River Basin District |
RBMP | River Basin Management Plan |
RD&I | Research, Development & Innovation |
RDM | Regional Development Monitor |
RDP | Rural Development Plan |
REDZ | Rural Economic Development Zone |
REIT | Real Estate Investment Trust |
REPs | Regional Enterprise Plans |
RES | Renewable Energy Scheme |
RES-E | Renewable Energy Scheme - Electricity |
RES-H | Renewable Energy Scheme - Heat |
RESPF | Renewable Electricity Spatial Policy Framework |
RESS | Renewable Electricity Support Scheme |
RFRA | Regional Flood Risk Appraisal |
RHI | Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme |
RHIF | Rural Housing & Island Fund (Scotland) |
RIAI | Royal Institute of Architects Ireland |
RIBA | Royal Institute of British Architects (England) |
RICS | Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (England) |
RMP | Record of Monuments and Places |
ROHS | Restriction of Hazardous Substances |
RPA | Register of Protected Areas (under WFD) |
RPA | Root Protection Area (for trees/hedges) (England) |
RPGs | Regional Planning Guidelines |
RPO | Regional Policy Objective |
RPS | Record of Protected Structures |
RRDF | Rural Regeneration and Development Fund |
RSESs | Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies |
RSR | OPR Research Series Report |
RTB | Residential Tenancies Board |
RTPI | Royal Town Planning Institute |
RWMP | Regional Waste Management Policy |
RWRPs | Regional Water Resource Plans |
RZLT | Residential Zoned Land Tax |
s28 | Guidelines for Planning Authorities issued by the Minister under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended |
S3 | Smart Specialisation Strategy |
SA | Statutory Authority (Environmental Authorities for the purposes of SEA) |
SA | Sustainability Appraisal (England) |
SAC | Special Areas of Conservation (selected and designated under the EU Habitats Directive) |
SAM | Scheduled Movement (England) |
SANG | Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (England) |
SCA | Social Capacity Audit |
SCOT | Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities & Threats |
SCSI | Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SDZ | Strategic Development Zone |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SEA ER | Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report |
SEAI | Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland |
SECM | Strategic Environmental Constraints Mapping |
SECs | Sustainable Energy Communities |
SEHP | Scottish Empty Homes Partnership |
SEZ | Sustainable Energy Zone |
SFI | Science Foundation Ireland |
SFM | Sustainable Forest Management |
SFRA | Strategic Flood Risk Assessment |
SHD | Strategic Housing Development |
SHLAA | Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (England) |
SIA | Social Infrastructure Audit |
SI | Statutory Instrument |
SID | Strategic Infrastructure Development |
SLA | Special Landscape Areas (England) |
SME | Small & Medium Sized Enterprise |
SMP | Sectoral Marine Plan |
SNCI | Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (England) |
SNIT | Le Shéma National d'Infrastructures de Transport (National Transport Infrastructure Strategy) (France) |
SNWI | Strategy for Native Woodlands in Ireland (2016-2020) |
SO | Sustainability Objectives |
SOAS | Super Output Areas |
SoC | Statement of Character (in relation to an ACA) |
SOP | Statutory Objection Period |
SP | Senior Planner |
SPA | Special Protection Area (designated under EU Birds Directive) |
SPC | Strategic Policy Committee |
SPD | Supplementary Planning Document (England) |
SPECIAL | Spatial Planning and Energy For Communities In All Landscapes |
SPG | Supplementary Planning Guidance (England) |
SPPR | Specific Planning Policy Requirement |
SRA | Southern Regional Assembly |
SRO | Senior Reasonable Officer |
SSSIs | Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England) |
SSZ | Solar Safeguarding Zone |
STP | Scotland’s Town Partnership |
SuDS | Sustainable Drainage Systems |
SUP | Single Use Plasticss |
TAP | Traveller Accommodation Programmes |
TCEHP | Town Centre Empty Homes Project (Scotland) |
TCF | Town Centre First |
TCFP | Town Centre First Plan |
TCPA | Town & Country Planning Association (England) |
TCQSM | Transit Capacity & Quality of Service Manual (United States of America) |
TCRP | Transit Cooperative Research Programme (United States of America) |
THEA | The Technological Higher Education Association |
TIC | Taking in Charge |
TII | Transport Infrastructure Ireland |
TOD | Transport-Orientated Development |
TPO | Tree Preservation Order |
TRB | Transportation Research Board (United States of America) |
TSS | Tree Shelter Scheme |
TWh | TerraWatt Hour |
UDZs | Urban Development Zones |
UÉ | Uisce Éireann |
UFW | Unaccounted for Water |
UN | United Nations |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UNECG | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
UNSPF | United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests (2017-2030) |
UoM | Unit of Management |
UPH | Units per Hectare |
URDF | Urban Regeneration and Development Fund |
UWWT | Urban Waste Water Treatment |
UWWTD | Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive |
VDS | Village Design Strategy |
VFM | Value for Money |
VSM | Visual Sensitivity Mapping |
WAW | Wild Atlantic Way |
WE | Welfare Economics |
WEEE | Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment |
WEDG | Wind Energy Development Guidelines |
WFD | Water Framework Directive |
WIP | Work in Progress |
WIS | Woodland Improvement Scheme |
WMA | Waste Management Act (1996) |
WPP | Waste Plan Process |
WPS | Western Package Scheme |
WSPS | Water Services Policy Statement |
WSSP | Water Services Strategic Plan |
WSZ | Water Supply Zone |
WT | Wind Turbine |
WTE | Wind Turbine Engineering |