An Bord Pleanála has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2019. It has also published statistical data for 2019 in an appendices booklet which accompanies the main Annual Report document.
The report contains a wide-range of highly relevant information and statistics which will be both of use and practical application to all those with an interest in planning in Ireland.
The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) welcomes the publication of the report. As the body charged with ensuring the effectiveness of the systems and procedures used when providing planning services for and on behalf of the public, the report provides valuable details on the casework undertaken by the Board including planning appeals and direct applications for strategic infrastructure and housing development.
The report itself notes that in 2019, in line with general trends arising from the economic recovery, the Board saw an upward trend in the overall number of planning cases, with a total of 2,938 cases received, up 7% on 2018 figures. Similarly, the 2,971 cases decided by the Board in 2019 marked a 4% increase on the previous year’s total.
Some of the other key findings in the report are:
- The number of planning appeals received remained substantially unchanged from 2,028 in 2018 to 2,076 in 2019.
- A total of 119 valid Strategic Housing Development (SHD) applications were received, a significant increase on the 39 applications received in 2018.
- An overall compliance rate of 69% was achieved in concluding Normal Planning Appeals (NPAs) within the statutory objective period (SOP) of 18 weeks, a significant improvement on the 39% compliance recorded in 2018.