Coming Soon- Research Publications

The OPR has commenced work on a number of projects identified in the Strategic Planning Research Programme for the period 2023-2025. Work is currently ongoing on the following project identified in the programme, and the output from this work will be published shortly. Further information in regard to this project is included hereunder.
1. Case Study Paper on ‘Quarries and the Local Authority Development Plan‘
Research Output: Case Study Paper
Case Study Papers (CSPs) are defined in the OPR’s Strategic Planning Research Framework as ‘publications based on audit/review of a particular theme/issue (e.g. planning application validations) or of a geographic area (e.g. border counties)’. These papers ‘start with no fixed premise or hypothesis‘ and ‘are based on sound methodological surveys, analysis of evidence and will clearly set out findings‘. It is intended that through an analysis of case studies, good practice learnings can be understood and shared.
The OPR has published six case study papers to date:
CSP01 Public Rights of Way and the Local Authority Development Plan
CSP03 Traveller Accommodation and the Local Authority Development Plan
CSP05 Climate Action and the Local Authority Development Plan
CSP06 Planning Application Processing: An Analysis of Planning Authority Validation Processes
- A review and examination of how the guidelines have been applied to policies in County Development Plans;
- A review of the broader policy framework for quarries including Regional Assembly Regional, Spatial and Economic Strategies;
- A review and examination of the application of the Section 261 and Section 261A registration process across all planning authorities and an examination of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) register of quarries;
- A questionnaire and/or structured interviews with a selection of planning authorities; and
- Identification of areas of difficulty and positive learnings in managing quarry developments through development management and enforcement systems.
It is anticipated that this Case Study Paper will be published in Q1 2025.