
'Learning from Litigation' Legal Bulletin

The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) is obliged, under the Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, to conduct education and training programmes for members of staff of local authorities and regional assemblies, in respect of matters relating to proper planning and sustainable development. 

As part of the education and training programme for local authority and regional assembly staff the OPR committed to prepare and publish a bulletin which would highlight key learnings from relevant planning and environmental case law. This bulletin is published on a quarterly basis and contains information on important precedents, court
 decisions and emerging trends and a concise overview of noteworthy planning cases. 

The case selection for the bulletin is based on recommendations from the Planning Law Bulletin Steering Group which comprises nominees from the Law Society of Ireland’s Environmental and Planning Law Committee, An Bord Pleanála, the County and City Management Association, the OPR’s legal adviser, Fieldfisher and the OPR.