Planning Library

Liosta d’Acrainmneacha

Tá an liosta seo d’acrainmneacha ceaptha le feidhmiú mar chúnamh teicniúil nuair atáthar ag póirseáil trí ábhair na leabharlainne. Tá sé de rún ag OPR go bhfeidhmeoidh an áis seo ar líne mar acmhainn dóibh siúd a bhfuil suim acu in ábhar na pleanála. Ní liosta iomlán atá ann agus cuirfidh OPR fáilte roimh mholtaí i dtaca le hábhar cuí a d’fhéadfaí a chur san áireamh sa bhailiúchán. Seol do mholtaí chuig

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

AA Appropriate Assessment
AAI Architectural Association of Ireland
AAI Area of Architectural Interest (England)
AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
AAWT Annual Average Weekday Traffic
ABP An Bord Pleanála
ACA Architectural Conservation Area
ACM Asbestos Containing Material (England)
ACV Asset of Community Value (England)
AEP Annual Exceedance Probability (relation to Flooding)
AFA Area for Further Assessment
AGLV Area of Great Landscape Value (England)
AGOL ArcGIS Online
AHB Approved Housing Body
AIA Arboricultural Impact Assessment (England)
AIE Access to Information on the Environment
AILG Association of Irish Local Government
AIRO All-Ireland Research Observatory
ANOB Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (England)
ANAH L'Agence Nationale de l’Habitat (National Housing Agency) (France)
API Application Programming Interface
AQA Air Quality Assessment (England)
AQMA Air Quality Assessment Area (England)
AR4 Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ASSI Area of Scientific Special Interest (England)
BAP Biodiversity Action Plan
BAT Best Available Technology
BENELUX Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg
BEP Best Environmental Practice
BER Building Energy Rating
BFF Biodiversity & Flora & Fauna
BHLS Bus with High Level of Service
BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara (Irish Sea Fisheries Board)
BMW Biodegradable Municipal Waste
BnM Bord na Móna
BRREAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BSHF Building & Social Housing Foundation (Scotland)
BWD Bathing Water Directive
C&D Construction & Demolition
CAAS Conservation & Amenity Advice Service
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAFE Clean Air for Europe
CALCDA Climate Action & Low Carbon Development Acts (2015)
CAP Climate Action Plan (2019)
CAP Common Agricultural Policy (European Union)
CARO Climate Action Regional Office
CARS Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (Scotland)
CASP Cork Area Strategic Plan
CB Cost Benefit
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CCE Coordination Centre for Effects
CCF Continous Cover Forestry
CCMA County and City Management Association
CCS Climate Change Strategy
CCS Carbon Capture Storage
CDM Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (England)
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CDP County/City Development Plan
CEC Commission of the European Communities
CEDaR Centre for Environmental Data & Recording
CER Commission for Energy Regulation
CEU Council of the European Union
CFP Common Fisheries Policy
CFRAM Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management
CFRAMS Catchment Flood Risk Assessment & Management Study
CFRQ Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire
CfSH Code for Sustainable Homes (England)
CGET Commissariat General for Territorial Equality (France)
CGPP Cleaner Greener Production Programme
CHP Combined Heat & Power
CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
CIS Common Implementation Strategy
CLEUD Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development
CNG Compressed Natural Gases
COFORD National Council for Forest Research & Development
COMIFAC Central African Forest Commission
CORINE Coordinated Information on the Environment
CPO Compulsory Purchase Order
CRU Commission for Regulation of Utilities
cSAC Candidate Special Area of Conservation (designated by EU Habitats Directive)
CS Chartered Surveyor
CSO Central Statistics Office
D&B Design & Build (Building Procurement)
DAC Disability Access Certificate
DAFM Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine
DAHG Department of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht
DAHRRGA Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs
DAU Development Applications Unit
DCCAE Department of Communication, Climate Action & the Environment
DCENR Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
DCMNR Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources
DCN Districts Council Network (England)
DECLG Department of Environment, Community & Local Government
DEHLG Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government
DGOM Department of Overseas France
DHPCLG Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government
DHPLG Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government
DHUP Direction de l'Habitat, de l'Urbanisme et des Paysages (Directorate of Housing, Urbanism & Landscape) (France)
DIP Decision in Principle (Planning) (England)
DMURS Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets
DNND Dublin Networked Neighbourhood Database
DoCoMoMo Documentation & Conservation of the Buildings, Sites & Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement
DoH Department of Health
DoT Department of Taoiseach
DPD Development Plan Document (England)
DPH Dwellings Per Hectare (England)
DTTAS Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport
EAG External Adivsory Group
EAP Environmental Action Programme
EBM Ecosystem-Based Management
EC European Commission
ECJ European Court of Justice
EDEN Environmental Data Exchange Network
EEA European Environment Agency
EEC European Economic Community
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
EFSOS European Forest Sector Outlook Study
EfW Energy for Water (England)
EHO Empty Homes Officer (Scotland)
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIAR Environmental Impact Assessment Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
ELD Environmental Liability Directive
ELVs Emission Limit Values
EMEC European Marine Energy Centre
EMRA Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly
ENGO Environmental Non-Government Organisation
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPBD Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
EQS Environmental Quality Standard
ER Environmental Report
ESB Electricity Supply Board
ESM Environmental Sensitivity Mapping
ESR Effort Sharing Regulation
ESRI The Economic and Social Research Institute
Esri Environmental Systems Research Institute
ETS Economic Trading Scheme
EV Electric Vehicle
FAO Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (European Union)
FAOSTAT Food & Agricutlure Orgnaisation Corporate Stastic Database
FD Foreign Direct
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FDSP Forest District Strategic Plan
FEPS Forest Environment Protection Scheme
FGRM Forest Genetic Reproductive Material
FI Further Information (in the context of a Planning Application)
FMP Forest ManagEment Plan
FNADT Fonds National d'Aménagement et de Développement du Territoire (National Fund for Land Use Planning & Development) (France)
FPC Fee Per Case
FRA Flood Risk Assessment
FRIMS Forest Research Information Management System
FPM Freshwater Pearl Mussel
FRMP Flood Risk Management Plan
FRR Flood Risk Review
FSC Fire Safety Certificate
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
GDA Greater Dublin Area
GDSDS Greater Dublin Strategic Drainage Study
GEO Global Environment Outlook
GES Good Environmental Status
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GIA Gross Internal Area (Area of building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall) (England)
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GNI Gas Network Ireland
GPDO General Permitted Development Order 2015 (England)
GPS Global Positioning Systems
GSI Geographic Survey of Ireland
GUI Graphical User Interface
GW Gigawatt
GWP Global Warming Potential
Ha Hectare
HARP Historic Area Rejuvenation Project
HBS Help to Buy Scheme (England)
HCA Homes & Communities Agency (England)
HCI Heritage Council of Ireland
HEFS High End Future Scenario (relation to Flooding)
HHSRS Housing Health & Safety Rating System (England)
HLMO High-Level Marine Objectives
HNDA Housing Need Demand Assessment
HNV High Nature Value
HOOW Harnessing Our Oceans Wealth - An Integrated Marine Plan for Ireland
HOPS Heads of Planning Scotland
HPW High Priority Water Course
HRA Habitat Regulations Assessment (England)
HSA Health & Safety Authority
HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current
HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
HWRC Household Waste Recycling Centre (England)
IAEG Inter-Agency Expert Group
IAEG-SDGs Inter-Agency Expert Groups for Strategic Goal Indicators
IAF Irish Architecute Foundation
IAIA International Association for Impact Assessment
IARC Irish Architectural Archive
IBEC Irish Business and Employers Confederation
IBIA Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment
ICOMOS International Council on Monuments & Sites (England)
ICT Information and Communications Technology
ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Seas
ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management
IDA Industrial Development Authority
IDP Infrastructure Development Plan (England)
IEEE Institute Of Electrical & Electronic Engineers
IEI Institution of Engineers of Ireland
IFLA International Federation of Landscape Architects
IFNC International Forum on Natural Capital
IFORIS Intergrated Forestry Information Systems
IFS Indicative Forestry Strategies
IGS Irish Georgian Society
IHBC Institute of Historic Building Conservation (England)
ILI Irish Landscape Institute
IMO International Maritime Organisation
IMP Integrated Maritime Policy
INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
INFF Irish National Flood Forum
INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
INTBAU International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture & Urbanism
IOSEA Irish Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment
IPI Irish Planning Institute
IRBD International River Basin District
IRLOGI Irish Organisation for Geographic Information
IPPC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IROPI Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest
IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention & Control
ISus Irish Sustainable Development Model
ITDP Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (United States of America)
ITTO International Tropic Timber Organisation
JI Joint Implementation
JR Judicial Review
JRC Directorate General Joint Research Centre, European Commission
JMWMS Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (England)
KTG Knowledge Transfer Group
KWETB Kildare and Wicklow Education & Training Board
Kwh KiloWatt Hour
LA Local Authority
LAP Local Area Plan
LASNTG Local Authority Services National Training Group
LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan
LCA Landscape Character Assessment
LDA Land Development Agency
LEA Local Economic Assessment (England)
LECP Local Economic & Community Plan
LEO Local Enterprise Office
LGMA Local Government Management Agency
LiDAR Light Detection & Ranging
LIHAF Local Infrastructure and Housing Activation Fund
LLD Local Landscape Designation (England)
LNR Local Nature Reserve (England)
LOS Level of Service
LRT Light Rail Transit
LSOAS Lower Super Output Areas (England)
LTACC Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee
LU Land-Use
LUCF Land-Use Change & Forestry
LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry
LUTS Land Use and Transportation Study
MASP Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan
MCA Multi-Criteria Analysis
MCG Inter-Departmental Marine Coordination Group
MCZ Marine Conservation Zone (England)
MEANS Means for Evaluating Actions of a Structural Nature
MEES Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (England)
MHCLG Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (England)
MMU Minimum Mapping Unit
MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers
MOLAND Monitoring Land Use/ Cover Dynamics
MPA Marine Protected Area
MPDM Marine Planning & Development Management Bill
MPW Medium Priority Watercourse
MRFA Mid-Range Future Scenario (relation to Flooding)
MSFD Marine Strategy Framework Directive
MSP Municipal Solid Waste (England)
MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield
Mt Megaton
MTR Mid-Term Review
MXD Map Exchange Document
NACE Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community
NAMA National Asset Management Agency
NAP National Allocation Plan
NAQS National Air Quality Strategy (England)
NBA National Building Agency
NBAP National Biodiversity Action Plan (2017-2021)
NBDC National Biodiversity Data Centres
NBP National Biodiversity Plan
NCA Natural Capital Accounting
NCCAF National Climate Change Adaptation Framework
NCCS National Climate Change Strategy
NCP National Oil Spill Contingency Plan
NDP National Development Plan (2007-2013)
NDCA National Dialogue on Climate Action
NEC National Emission Ceilings Directive
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act (United States of America)
NESC National Economic and Social Council of Ireland
NFI National Forestry Inventory
NFMA National Forest Management Plan (United States of America)
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NHA National Heritage Area
NHBC National House Building Council Scheme (England)
NIA Noise Impact Assessment (England)
NIAH National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
NIE New Institutional Economics
NIEA Northern Ireland Environment Agency
NIR Natura Impact Report
NIS Natura Impact Statement
NLS National Landscape Strategy (2015-2025)
NLUD National Land Use Database (England)
NOAC National Oversight & Audit Commission
NMP National Mitigation Plan
NMPF National Marine Planning Framework
NPF National Planning Framework
NPNRU Programme National de Renouvellement Urbain (National Urban Renewal Programme) (France)
NPPF National Planning Policy Framework (England)
NPPG National Planning Policy Guidance (England)
NSAD National Strategy for Angling Development
NSAI National Standards Authority of Ireland
NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service
NRA National Roads Authority (now TII)
NSDB National Soil Database
NSS National Spatial Strategy
NTA National Transport Authority
NWFP Non Wood Forest Product
NWPP National Waste Prevention Programme
NWRA Northern & Western Regional Assembly
NWS Native Woodland Establishment Scheme
NWSMP National Water Safety Management Programme (England)
NZEB Nearly Zero Energy Building
OCAC Oireachtas Climate Action Committee
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
OFAC Observatory of Central African Forests
OGP Office of Government Procurement
OMB Office of the Ombudsman
OMPP Overarching Marine Planning Policy
ONS Office of National Statics (England)
OPAH Opération Programmée d'Amélioration de l'Habitat (Scheduled Housing Improvement Operation) (France)
OPP Outline Planning Permission
OPR Office of the Planning Regulator
OPW Office of Public Works
OREDP Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan
OTG On the Ground
OSi Ordnance Survey Ireland
OSPAR Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
OS Ordnance Survey
PA Planning Authority
PA Prior Approval (Planning) (England)
PCD Public Consultation Day
PCPA Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (England)
PDA Planning & Development Act (as amended)
PD Permitted Development (England)
PDL Previously Developed Land (England)
PFRA Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
PHH Population & Human Health
PI 2040 Project Ireland 2040
PIE Plan Implementation Evaluation
PINS Planning Inspectorate (England)
PIP Permission in Principle (Planning) (England)
pNHA Proposed Natural Heritage Area
PNRQAD Programme National de Requalification des Quartiers Anciens (National Programme for Requalification of Old Neighbourhoods) (France)
POMS Programme of Measures
POP Persistent Organic Pollutant
POSW Planning Officers Society Wales
PP Planning Permission
PPG Planning Policy Guidance (England)
PPIP Policy-Plan/Programme-Implementation Process
PPP Plans, Policies & Programme (England)
PPR Plan-Process-Results
PRPs Pollution Reduction Programmes
pSPA Proposed Special Protection Area (designate under EU Birds Directive)
PUA Principal Urban Area (England)
QBC Quality Bus Corridor
QS Quantity Surveyor
RA Regional Authority/ Assembly
RBD River Basin District
RBMP River Basin Management Plan
RDP Rural Development Plan
REDZ Rural Economic Development Zone
REIT Real Estate Investment Trust
RES Renewable Energy Scheme
RES-E Renewable Energy Scheme - Electricity
RES-H Renewable Energy Scheme - Heat
RESS Renewable Electricity Support Scheme
RFRA Regional Flood Risk Appraisal
RHI Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme
RHIF Rural Housing & Island Fund (Scotland)
RIAI Royal Institute of Architects Ireland
RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects (England)
RICS Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (England)
RMP Record of Monuments and Places
ROHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances
RPA Registered of Protected Areas (under WFD)
RPA Root Protection Area (for trees/hedges) (England)
RPGs Regional Planning Guidelines
RPS Record of Protected Structures
RRDF Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
RSESs Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies
RTB Residential Tenancies Board
RTPI Royal Town Planning Institute
SA Statutory Authority (Environmental Authorities for the purposes of SEA)
SA Sustainability Appraisal (England)
SAC Special Areas of Conservation (selected and designated under the EU Habitats Directive)
SAM Scheduled Movement (England)
SANG Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (England)
SCSI Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SDZ Strategic Development Zone
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEA ER Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report
SEAI Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland
SECM Strategic Environmental Constraints Mapping
SECs Sustainable Energy Communities
SEHP Scottish Empty Homes Partnership
SEZ Sustainable Energy Zone
SFM Sustainable Forest Management
SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
SHD Strategic Housing Development
SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (England)
SI Statutory Instrument
SID Strategic Infrastructure Development
SLA Special Landscape Areas (England)
SME Small & Medium Sized Enterprise
SMP Sectoral Marine Plan
SNCI Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (England)
SNIT Le Shéma National d'Infrastructures de Transport (National Transport Infrastructure Strategy) (France)
SNWI Strategy for Native Woodlands in Ireland (2016-2020)
SO Sustainability Objectives
SOAS Super Output Areas
SOP Statutory Objection Period
SP Senior Planner
SPA Special Protection Area (designated under EU Birds Directive)
SPC Strategic Policy Committee
SPD Supplementary Planning Document (England)
SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance (England)
SPPR Specific Planning Policy Requirement
SRA Southern Regional Assembly
SRO Senior Reasonable Officer
SSSIs Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)
STP Scotland’s Town Partnership
SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems
SUP Single Use Plasticss
TAP Traveller Accommodation Programmes
TCEHP Town Centre Empty Homes Project (Scotland)
TCPA Town & Country Planning Association (England)
TCQSM Transit Capacity & Quality of Service Manual (United States of America)
TCRP Transit Cooperative Research Programme (United States of America)
THEA The Technological Higher Education Association
TII Transport Infrastructure Ireland
TOD Transport-Orientated Development
TPO Tree Preservation Order
TRB Transportation Research Board (United States of America)
TSS Tree Shelter Scheme
TWh TerraWatt Hour
UFW Unaccounted for Water
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNECG United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNSPF United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests (2017-2030)
UoM Unit of Management
UPH Units per Hectare
URDF Urban Regeneration and Development Fund
UWWT Urban Waste Water Treatment
UWWTD Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
VFM Value for Money
VSM Visual Sensitivity Mapping
WAW Wild Atlantic Way
WE Welfare Economics
WEEE Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
WEDG Wind Energy Development Guidelines
WFD Water Framework Directive
WIP Work in Progress
WIS Woodland Improvement Scheme
WMA Waste Management Act (1996)
WPP Waste Plan Process
WPS Western Package Scheme
WSSP Water Services Strategic Plan
WSZ Water Supply Zone
WT Wind Turbine
WTE Wind Turbine Engineering