OPR launches its second training module for local authority elected members

The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) in conjunction with the Association of Irish Local Government (AILG) launched its second planning training module for elected members of local authorities today, Friday, 27 November. The first module dealt specifically with the plan-making process. The second module is “A Guide for Councillors on the Development Management Process”.  

The first webinar in the second module was delivered today. The webinar was entitled “Implementation of the Development Plan and the Development Management Process.”

The objective of the webinar was to confirm the legislative and regulatory position of elected members regarding their input to the development management process. It also highlighted, when and where, it is appropriate for elected members to engage with the process and outlined how to do so effectively.

There were two separate presentations which are now available at https://www.opr.ie/elected-members-training-november-2020/

  • The Development Management Process.
  • Plan-Making and Development Management.

Niall Cussen, the Planning Regulator and Anne Marie O’Connor, the Deputy Planning Regulator delivered the presentations.

This is the sixth training session organised by the OPR and the AILG. Events were held in Dundalk and Limerick in October 2019, in Cavan and Waterford in February 2020 while the first webinar was held in July. Further webinars are scheduled for January and February 20201, details of which are now available. 

Presentations delivered at all previous training events are also accessible.  

One of the OPR’s functions is to conduct education and training programmes for members of planning authorities in order to reaffirm their roles and responsibilities within the planning system and their functions in relation to ensuring proper planning and sustainable development.