Public Awareness

One of the OPR’s primary functions, as provided for in the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2018 (the Act), is to conduct planning research, education and training. To this end the OPR has developed a series of online resources including:
- ‘An Introduction to Planning’ page which provides easy access to a wide variety of material that has been produced by the OPR including infographics, animated explainer videos, planning leaflets, FAQs, etc.
- If you are interested in learning more about the work of planners or studying town planning at third level please visit the ‘Becoming a Planner’ page, which includes an interview series with planners and a list of planning courses in Ireland.
- ‘The Planning Process’ page provides access to information on how to navigate your way through the key stages of the planning application process and contains animated explainers videos, flowcharts, indexes of planning authority online resources and links to relevant planning leaflets.
- There is also a planning library which brings together a broad range of planning policy guidelines and research in one central, accessible location. A glossary and acronym list are available to use as technical aids when navigating the planning library.