
Graphs, pen and laptop

Under Section 31Q of the Planning and Development Act, as amended, the OPR has a statutory remit to conduct research. In 2019 the OPR established the National Planning Knowledge Group (NPKG) comprising representatives from planning authorities, higher education institutes, NGOs, planning institutes, government organisations and departments.

The OPR also undertook extensive consultation with key stakeholders including local authority staff and elected members. Input from the NPKG and feedback from our key stakeholders formed the basis for the OPR’s Planning Research Framework and associated  Strategic Planning Research Programme. 

The key goal of the framework is to develop an effective research programme that addresses the gaps in planning theory and practice, supports best practice in the planning system, facilitates greater public understanding and participation, and develops necessary tools and applications for practitioners and researchers”.

The original Strategic Planning Research Programme was prepared to cover a two-year timeline from 2020-2022. A new Strategic Planning Research Programme was published in November 2022 and sets out the work programme for the period 2023-2025. All of the research work is structured under three key themes i.e. Planning Issues, Planning Performance and Planning Practice. The output delivered under each theme is contained in the tiles included hereunder: